Temple of Diana, Inc.
Amazons, Dianic Witches, Goddess Women
Female Sovereignty
Female Sovereign Sacred Space
Suggested Reading List for Dianic Witchcraft, other Wiccan and Magick Traditions,
Feminist Theory, and Related Topics
(This list is being revised, reorganized, annotated, and updated.)
Core Readings:
Women's Rites,Women's Mysteries - Ruth Barrett
Witches and Pagans- Max Dashu
The Spiral Dance - Starhawk
Ariadne's Thread - Shekhinah Mountainwater
The Holy Book of Women's Mysteries - Z Budapest
The Open Mind - Dawna Markova
The Heart of Wicca - Ellen Cannon Reed
Wisewoman's Guide to Spells, Rituals and Goddess Lore - Elisabeth Brooke
Earth Power - Scott Cunningham
The Chalice and the Blade - Riane Eisler
Sacred Pleasure - Riane Eisler
GynEcology - Mary Daly
Recommended Reading:
The Magical Household - Scott Cunningham
Spell Crafts - Scott Cunningham
Magical Herbalism - Scott Cunningham
Goddesses and Heroines - Patricia Monaghan
Seasons of the Witch - Patricia Monaghan
The Witches Goddess - Janet and Stewart Farrar
Spells and How They Work- Janet and Stewart Farrar
Female Erasure:What You Need To Know About Gender Politics' War On Women, the Female Sex and Human Rights - Ruth Barrett, ed.
Gender Hurts - Sheila Jeffreys
Cat Spells - Claire Nahmad
Earth, Air, Fire and Water - Robin Skelton and Margaret Blackwood
Moon Magick - DJ Conway
Ancient Ways - Dan and Pauline Campanelli
Wheel of the Year - Dan and Pauline Campanelli
Drawing Down the Moon - Margot Adler
Women's Encyclopedia of Myths and Secrets - Barbara Walker
Virgin, Mother, Crone - Donna Wilshire
The Heart of the Goddess - Hallie Iglehart Austen
When God Was a Woman, Merlin Stone
The Once and Future Goddess - Elinor Gadon
The Women's Wheel of Life - Elizabeth Davis and Carol Leonard
Encyclopedia of White Magic- Paddy Slade
Encyclopedia of Signs, Omens, and Superstitions - Zolar
Encyclopedia of Wicca & Witchcraft - Raven Grimassi, ed.
The Cauldron of Change - De Anna Alba
The Act of Will- Roberto Assagioli
Beyond God the Father - Mary Daly
The Year in Ireland - Kevin Danaher
Myths and Symbols in Pagan Europe - H.R. Ellis Davidson
The Witches Bible, Vol. 2, - Janet and Stewart Farrar
Eight Sabbats for Witches - Janet and Stewart Farrar
The Golden Bough- James Frazer
Woman, Church and State - Matilda Gage
The Interpretation of Symbols - Clifford Geertz
The Gods and Goddesses of Old Europe - Marija Gimbutas
The Language of the Goddess - Marija Gimbutas
Priestesses - Norma Lorre Goodrich
The White Goddess - Robert Graves
The Path Through the Labyrinth - Miriam Green
A Witch Alone - Miriam Green
A Calendar of Festivals - Miriam Green
Natural Magic - Miriam Green
Woman and Nature, Susan Griffin
Daughters of the Goddess: Studies of Healing, Identity and Empowerment - Wendy Griffin, ed.
Italian Witchcraft, The Old Religion of Southern Europe - Raven Grimassi
Fugitive Information - Kay Leigh Hagan
The Psychology of Ritual - Murry Hope
The Triumph of the Moon - Ronald Hutton
The Earth's Cycle of Celebration - Glennie Kindred
The Customs and Ceremonies of Britain - Charles Knightly
Etruscan Roman Remains - Charles G. Leland
The Creation of Feminist Consciousness - Gerta Lerner
The Open Mind - Dawna Markova
Singing the Soul Back Home - Caitlin Matthews
The Celtic Shaman - John Matthews
The Encyclopedia of Celtic Wisdom - Caitlin and John Matthews
The Western Way, volumes 1 and 2 - Caitlin and John Matthews
Energy Anatomy - Carolyn Myss
The Double Queen - Vicki Noble
Daughter of the Goddess - Naomi Ozaniec
Spellcraft - Robin Skelton
The Magic Arts in Celtic Britain - Lewis Spence
Circle Round: Raising Children in Goddess Traditions - Starhawk, Anne Hill, and Diane Baker
The Pagan Book of Living and Dying - Starhawk, M. Macha NightMare, and The Reclaiming Collective
Walker Between World - R. J. Stuart
Through Her Eyes: Women's Perspectives on World Religions - Arvind Sharma and Katherine K. Young
Possessing the Secret of Joy - Alice Walker
Warrior Marks, Alice Walker - Pratibha Parmar, and Vicki Austin-Smith
The Women's Encyclopedia of Myths and Secrets - Barbara Walker
Celebrating Ourselves: A Crone Ritual Book - Edna M. Ward, ed.
Virgin, Mother, Crone - Donna Wilshire
Promiscuities: The Secret Struggle for Womanhood - Naomi Wolf
The Spell of the Sensuous - David Abram
The Other Side of Eden - Hugh Brody
Verbal Self-Defense series - Suzette Haden-Elgin
The Nature of Economies - Jane Jacobs
The Language War - Robin Lakoff
In the Absence of the Sacred - Jerry Mander
The Death of Nature - Carolyn Merchant
Ishmael - Daniel Quinn
The End of Manhood - John Stoltenberg
Stone Age Economics - Marshall Sahlins