Temple of Diana, Inc.
Amazons, Dianic Witches, Goddess Women
Female Sovereignty
Female Sovereign Sacred Space

Temple of Diana, Inc.
is thrilled to now include
Museum of Woman
under our 501 c 3 Federal Religion Status!
“Inspiring women to greatness now through the hidden history of Goddesses, Queens and Wisewomen from the Paleolithic to the present” is what The Museum of Woman is all about. We believe that women are the rightful and natural leaders, guides and visionaries for humanity. We had an internationally known physical brick and mortar museum of 3,200 square feet full of goddess treasures for 18 years in Irvine, California, until Covid closed it, but we put all our precious sacreds and artifacts, exhibits and displays in storage … and are now on the hunt for our next location. For pictures of our 18 year history serving thousands of women with regular Sunday Services, classes, Holy Day rituals, Queen Convocations and more, please go to www.MuseumofWoman.us.
The Goddess Temple of Orange County is the women’s spiritual circle of The Museum of Woman. Currently, The Temple holds pretty darn fabulous “Sunday Goddess Services” for women online the first Sunday of every month. We honor a different Goddess related to the season; our liturgy guides women to follow Mother Nature in creating beautiful female lives of power, abundance, and sisterhood. For most of our services, we have wonderful guest speakers who offer a message. Recently we had Ruth herself on … and she was of course utterly wonderful. If you know of a woman who would offer a great message, please let us know. We want to share women’s brilliance with all. For pictures of our rituals and services, please see www.GoddessTempleOC.org.
Ava Park, in addition to being the Founder and Director of The Museum of Woman and The Goddess Temple of Orange County, is best known for her “Queen Teachings for Women,” original wisdom about the most denigrated, denied and dismissed female archetype, “The Queen.” We learn about “Maiden, Mother & Crone,” but Ava says that The Queen is the natural phase of life between Mother and Crone and that women ignore Her at their peril. Learning about your Queen can change everything. Ava shares her original knowledge about The Queen and Her relationship to Her sisters, The Maiden, The Mother and The Wisewoman Crone, in online and in-person classes, cruises and convocations. For more, contact The Museum. To get a complimentary feel for the Queen Teachings, have a listen to Ava’s free youtubes on her QueenCoach youtube channel. Here’s one to begin with: The Queen as Leader-- https://youtu.be/LsSVw3BETOw
Members of The Museum receive a beautiful Lucite picture holder and a new Goddess picture with affirmation every month to inspire you to stay connected to your deepest power. To become a member, email us at Ava@MuseumofWoman.us.
The Museum of Woman,
home of The Goddess Temple of Orange County
Ava Park, Founder/Director
MAILING ADDRESS: 21 Navarre Irvine CA 92612
PHONE: 714/392-0558
EMAIL: Ava@MuseumofWoman.us
WEBSITE: www.MuseumofWoman.us